tu dia eh ubat.. sapa tengok memang akan cakap makan ubat jer dah kenyang kan.. mau idoknyer..abis dah makan lain tak lalu kita makan ubat jer laa... kasik kenyang.. huhuhu.. =.=" berpeluhkan..
ini hasil tuaian hari nih..hubby actually dari yesterday dah..dapat 1 day MC.. and today continue lagi satu hari..best part he got 1 jab dekat his shoulder..cian hubby ku..and will continue with follow up till this Friday..he is really hard to get sick, but occasionally when he get sick, hurmmm habis lah..and me only started today..actually since yesterday gak..but gigihkan jugak kaki pegi office on Monday since one whole week tak jejak office langsung..even in mode Working From Home but still my work banyak yang sangkut since at the last two days tu connection a bit slow.. so i just settle any urgent request, the rest I just leave it..
so sekarang..rumah pun a bit sunyi..sebab mama and papa sakit..U jaga I, I jaga U.. ;) budak2 ajer la yang bising..Alhamdulillah sebab kiddos dah shows a positive progress, and since Monday dah start pegi baby sitter.. and sekarang its our turn pulak.. Mak Pak's Turn..
okey la dear all..thanks for sudi visit me here.. smuackss smuackksss..
Rajin2 makan ubat yek..hopefully cpt2 sihat.
ReplyDeleteMacih mak..mak pun same, ubat tu jgn lupa..kita dh masuk opis hari ni..hubbs still continue with mc..ciyan.. :(